Wine - Instructions


You will need to have Homebrew installed:

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Install Winetricks

brew install --formula gcenx/wine/winetricks

Install Wine-Crossover

brew install --cask --no-quarantine gcenx/wine/wine-crossover

Install your application

wine64 /Path/to/application.exe

Creating the app icon

Once you have successfully installed the program you will need a way to run the application. By default the application will be installed to ~/.wine/; you can run wine64 command in the terminal, pointing it to the installed program's location, but if you want a standalone icon:

   on run
   --edit this to be the correct location and file to run (typically only edit after the "drive_c")
   set toRun to "$WINEPREFIX/drive_c/Program Files/MyProgram/MyProgramName.exe"
   --edit winePrefix if you are not using the default prefix
   set winePrefix to "$HOME/.wine"
   --edit wineLocation if your wine install is not the default location
   set wineLocation to "/usr/local/bin"
   --edit dyldFallbackLibraryPath to your X11 lib folder, this one is set for XQuartz on 10.6+
   set dyldFallbackLibraryPath to "/opt/X11/lib"

  --Setting freetype rendering to 35 fixes blurred fonts when using newer freetype versions
	  set freetypefix to "truetype:interpreter-version=35"
	   set toRunPath to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR%/*}\""
	   set toRunFile to do shell script "WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; TEMPVAR=\"" & toRun & "\"; TEMPVAR2=\"" & toRunPath & "\"; echo \"${TEMPVAR#$TEMPVAR2/}\""
	   do shell script "PATH=\"" & wineLocation & ":$PATH\"; export WINEPREFIX=\"" & winePrefix & "\"; export DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH=\"" & dyldFallbackLibraryPath & "\"; export FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=\"" & freetypefix & "\"; cd \"" & toRunPath & "\"; wine \"" & toRunFile & "\" > /dev/null 2>&1 &"
	end run